News from Southern Illinois-Paducah Unit 223
Janet Jones, 100 Fairway Drive, Harrisburg IL 61946
janetjones51@gmai |
Hats off to players who have reached bridge milestones!
Karen Kersey, Kuttawa KY
Diane Gearing, Harrisburg IL
Jane Denny, Edwardsville IL
Margaret Murray, Maryville IL
Susan Williams, Edwardsville IL
Brian Farmer, Highland IL
Diane Borowy Marin IL
Kathy Kirksey, Maryville IL
NEW SECTIONAL MASTER: Michael Oshel, Harrisburg IL
NEW REGIONAL MASTER: Terry Sharp, Mt. Vernon IL
Robert Holdeman, Pocahontas IL
Cathy Hammersley, Simpson IL
Marla Luehder, Belleville IL
Louis Durbin, Paducah KY
Candy Butz, Caseville IL
Joyce Clark, Marion IL
Janet Jones, Harrisburg IL
Robert Holdeman, Pocahontas IL
Cathy Hammersley, Simpson IL
Jerry Cundiff, Caseyville IL
Unit 223 held a board meeting on June 24, 2022 during the Edwardsville tournament. The meeting was called to order by President Pam Ames. Board members in attendance were Pam Ames, Jay Coleman, Bob Holdeman, Kadie Davis, Maxine Wynn, Tom Wynn, Janet Jone, and Joyce Clark. Paul Hartke was unable to attend. Treasurer Donna Swick was in attendance; Secretary, Joanne Volmer could not attend so Kadie Davis took the minutes for the meeting.
Minutes from the March 23, 2022, meeting were read by Kadie Davis. A motion was
made by Jay Coleman and seconded by Tom Wynn to approve the minutes. The motion
The treasurers report was submitted. A motion was made by Jay Coleman and
seconded by Tom Wynn to approve the minutes. The motion carried.
New Business: Bob Cundall has resigned from the Board. Many thanks to Bob for his years of service. Area 4 (Metro East) held an election to replace Bob on June 2, 2022. Bob Holdeman was elected to fill Bobs seat.
Old Business: The minutes from the October 5, 2019 meeting were read by Kadie Davis to remind Board members of the three motions that were made and approved to change the Bylaws. A motion was made by Jay Coleman to approve the Bylaw changes with a second by Maxine Wynn. The motion passed. Kadie Davis will e-mail new updated pages of the Bylaws to all Board members.
Youth Bridge Camp will be held as scheduled, but to date only 8 children have registered. In order to defray down payment charges, a 3-day adult camp will also take place during the week.
The Edwardsville Sectional is going very well. The table count has been around 17 tables each session with the Swiss event at 21 tables.
Unit 223 Non-Profit Status: Our status has expired with the State of Illinois. We were a non-profit charity. Joanne is working with the state to fulfill the requirements to reinstate our status. The last information from Joanne is that the state is wanting a financial report from 2021.
Next Meeting: The next board meeting will be on Saturday, September 24, 2022 at 8:00 a.m. at the Effingham Regional. A motion to adjourn was made by Kadie Davis and seconded by Janet Jones.
Members present were Pam Ames, Paul Hartke, Kadie Davis, Tom Wynn, Janet Jones, Donna Swick, Joyce Clark Joanne Vollmer, secretary, and Mary Shaw.
The minutes of the last meeting and the treasurers report were accepted.
Paul Hartke reported that the Effingham Crossroads Regional was not successful, with a total of 157 tables from Tuesday through Sunday. Wednesday and Thursday attendance was good, Friday, fair, but Saturday and Sunday were very bad. He recommends moving this tournament to Edwardsville, Collinsville or Fairview Heights if a suitable location can be found.
Kadie is submitting dates for the Pioneer Tournament for sanctions as follows: April 14-16, 2023; April 5-7, 2024; April 25-27, 2025; April 10-12, 2026 and April 2-4, 2027.
Pam has checked locations in the Metro-East area for the Crossroads Regional. Effingham did do better than other tournaments in the area Crystal Lake, St. Louis and Champaign. The district waived the $1500 fee. Pam is continuing to negotiate. The tournament is set for September 18-24, 2023.
Our bridge tables our very old and have been through a flood. The board agreed to buy 30 new tables. Kadie moved that we buy 25-30 new tables and find a storage location in the Metro-East area. Joyce seconded the motion and the motion carried. Jay Coleman will be asked to dispose of the old tables.
Joanne Vollmer reported that the nonprofit status of our unit has been reinstated.
Mary Shaw reported that Bridge Camp was the smallest since 2009, with only 8 participants. The adult camp had 9. The grant request to the ACBL Education Foundation has been submitted for next year. The grant is used for registration fees, background checks of instructors and instructor fees. The goal is to have 30-40 campers.
The board would like to sincerely thank Janet Jones for her diligent work reporting news from our unit to the Newsletter. The newsletter has been canceled until March 2023.
The meeting was adjourned because of the time constraint.
June 23-25 2022
Total masterpoints of 506.86 were earned by 115 players. The total attendance: 104
tables. The Thursday AM Open Pairs had 12.5 tables and the 299er game had 4.5
tables. The Thursday afternoon Open Pairs had 12.5 tables and the 299er game had
4.5 tables. The Friday afternoon game had 13 tables and the 299er game had 3
tables. The Friday evening game had 12 tables. On Saturday the Open Swiss Teams
had 21 tables. For a complete list of winners, check out results on the ACBL
Tuesday, September 20 Sunday, September 25.
Total masterpoints of 868.62 were earned by 116 players. The total attendance was 158
tables. For a list of winners, check out results on the ACBL website.
Edwardsville Il, September 29-October 1, 2022
Total masterpoints of 247.49 were earned by 79 players. The total attendance
was 72 tables. For a list of winners check out results on the ACBL
Edwardsville, IL, February 17-18, 2023
Total masterpoints earned were 271.80 by 83 players. The total
attendance was 64 tables. A list of all events and point winners is
here .
During the worst of the pandemic, Central Illinois and Southern Illinois/Paducah formed a consortium so that we could all continue to play bridge. Although not as many online games are being offered as previously, its still a fun way to play bridge. Currently, the games being offered are:
Open Pair Games
Thursdays: 6:50 pm
Saturdays: 10:00 am
Sundays: 6:50 pm (Open -- 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays; Mentor/Mentee Pairs: 2nd & 4th Sundays)
Limited Pair Games
Tuesdays (0-750): 6:50 pm
Thursdays (0-500): 6:30 pm
More mentors are needed for the Mentor/Mentee games. You dont need to be a Life Master to help someone learn the game. You just need a love for the game and a willingness to share some of your wisdom. If you havent done so, please consider being a mentor!
Make sure you take advantage of all the special games that you are able to schedule in your clubs. Extra points bring out extra players! You can go to the Special Events at Clubs calendar on the ACBL website to see what is being offered.
ACBL has given you 8 free weeks of Club Championships for 2023, in addition to the week of Club Championships that you are able to run quarterly. You are also welcome to run 2 free weeks of Upgraded Club Championships for 2023, in addition to any that your club may have earned through recruiting. (And yes, if you have not used all of the 2022 weeks, you may roll them into 2023).
The ROYAL Sectional-Tournaments-at-Clubs (STaCs) for all District 8 are coming
up! The upgraded points are: 25% Gold, 25% Red, 25% Silver and 25% Black.
The Royal STaC games are scheduled for the weeks of March 27 April 2, 2023 and
December 11 - 17, 2023.
REGULAR STaCs award upgraded points of 100% silver points.
The Regular STaCs are scheduled for the weeks of May 1-7, 2023 and October
23-29, 2023.
♣ Ace of Clubs Points Won in Club Games in 2022 0 to 5 Brian Farmer 32.72 Karen Kersey 6.65 Margaret Murray 5.91 Jane Denny 5.91 Susan Williams 5.48
5 to 20 Diane Borowy 15.75 Rosemary Gaertner 5.22 Terry Lynn Schuchman 1.82 Suzette Lambert - .35
20 to 50 Charles Wiese 31.89 Barbara Price 4.18 Paulette Simpson 4.04 Nina Jackson 2.67 Becky Barnhill 2.60
50 to 100 Daniel Hellrung 63.54 Richard Jeffries 24.18 Lavaughn Watson 20.66 Janice Rethorst 18.84 Donna Taylor 18.65
100 to 200 Carl Edwards 44.64 Tim Bonner 34.74 David Williams 33.11 Mark Somma 31.70 Janet Ryan 25.98
200 to 300 Donna Howell 27.69 Linda Brandon 26.70 Jane Bright 23.11 Wanda Culpepper 20.70 Marla Luehder 14.04
300 to 500 Donna Swick 63.71 Dan Evers 52.82 Brian Poelker 51.81 Dianna Burbin 48.16 Candy Butz 35.81
500 to 1000 Linda Key 100.26 Eric Bizzell 64.41 Judith Wagner 57.85 Sterling Dare 57.78 Jayne Costanzo 53.29
1000 to 1500 Paul Bridges 68.76 Pamela Fee 59.97 Tommy Taylor 57.12 Douglas Snow 54.05 Vicki Valley 42.19
1500 to 2500 Gail Dare 79.33 Paul Quayle 67.56 Donald Klingsick 57.52 Janet Brotherson 55.03 Michael Eastburn 54.76
2500 to 3500 Charles Keltner 165.88 Jane Baker 137.11 Dennis Rose 82.21 Tommy Wynn 78.61 Maxine Wynn 68.64
3500 to 5000 Ronald Brockman 99.62 Julia Rambo 82.22 Ralph Rotter 73.29 Richard Brummer 68.57 |
♠ Mini-McKenney Total Points won in 2022 0 to 5 Brian Farmer 50.03 Karen Kersey 11.09 Susan Williams 9.92 Margaret Murray 5.91 Jane Denny 5.91
5 to 20 Diane Borowy 25.24 Suzette Lambert 11.70 Rosemary Gaertner 6.91 Terry Lynn Schuchman 1.82
20 to 50 Charles Wiese 35.67 Paulette Simpson 6.03 Barbara Price 4.84 Nina Jackson 3.86 Becky Barnhill 3.45
50 to 100 Daniel Hellrung 86.75 Richard Jeffries 26.89 Polly Ziegler 26.51 Lavaughn Watson 22.52 Arlinda Pitman 19.96
100 to 200 Mark Somma 46.84 Carl Edwards 45.71 Tim Bonner 41.77 Janet Ryan 40.81 Linda Asunskis 38.11
200 to 300 Donna Howell 34.47 Linda Brandon 29.54 Wanda Culpepper 27.09 Marla Luehder 26.57 Jane Bright 24.35
300 to 500 Donna Swick 80.85 Brian Poelker 72.69 Dan Evers 67.47 Cathy Hammersley 64.28 Janet Jones 57.04
500 to 1000 Linda Key 121.08 Judith Wagner 85.08 Sterling Dare 83.71 Eric Bizzell 78.11 Jayne Costanzo 59.06
1000 to 1500 Tommy Taylor 109.02 Paul Bridges 99.99 Pamela Fee 98.76 Vicki Valley 68,63 Leonard Fowler 64.65
1500 to 2500 Gail Dare 115.86 Robert Cundall 73.15 Paul Quayle 71.01 Janet Brotherson 67.24 Donald Klingsick 64.56
2500 to 3500 Charles Keltner 212.94 Jane Baker 114.56 Tommy Wynn 114.97 Maxine Wynn 110.76 Dennis Rose 89.83
3500 to 5000 Ronald Brockman 111.78 Richard Brummer 102.28 Julia Rambo 84.10 Ralph Rotter 76.9 |