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to the District 8 Advocate on the Web, an online bridge newsletter published by District 8 of the American Contract Bridge League. District 8 includes ACBL members living in parts of three states -- downstate Illinois, eastern Missouri and western Kentucky.
New issues are published during the first week of even-numbered months. Web address is http://advocate.district8acbl.com .
Email announcements:
ACBL maintains our electronic mailing list. This list is used only for notifying subscribers of new issues (six times a year). It is not shared with other organizations.
If you're an ACBL member who resides in District 8 -- and if you've provided ACBL with your email address -- you'll receive an email notice and link when a new issue is posted. You can add or change these settings through the MyACBL membership portal on the www.acbl.org web site. After logging in, click "Privacy settings", then "Subscribe" next to "General email communications".
If you're not a District 8 member, you can join the mailing list by sending a request to the editor ( kwbridge@comcast.net ).
Viewing and printing newsletter pages:
For best viewing of the newsletter, close out any other frames that are occupying your browser display space. If you have a Favorites or Bookmarks frame that uses space on your browser page, close it by clicking the boxed X on the top bar.
To print an individual article, right-click on the article title (the link in the left-hand frame) and choose "Open in new window" or "Open in new tab" from the menu. A new browser window will open with the article displayed in full-page size, without the top banner and contents list. If you have a pop-up blocker, you may need to override it by pressing the CONTROL key on your keyboard when you open the new window.
Your feedback is appreciated.
Please email your comments and suggestions to the editor: kwbridge@comcast.net. If you're having difficulty in displaying or printing any pages, it would be helpful if you could describe the exact problem and include details on how you're viewing the site (type of Internet connection, which browser you're using, the screen size of your monitor, etc.).